Monday, October 29, 2012

Are you serious about selling your home?

Topping the list of head scratching wonder at what-a-seller-is-thinking is without a doubt when the potential buyers arrive to see a messy, dirty home.  Imagine the first impression of dirty dishes, gross bathrooms and unmade beds greeting someone looking for their dream home!

When I'm showing homes prospective buyers wonder aloud what the seller is thinking to show their home in such a state. "Aren't they serious about selling?"

Another show stopper is the finicky seller who turns down showing times as inconvenient again and again.

The question is once again begged:  "do they really want to sell?"

On the messy issue I can assure you that people don't "look past" the mess.  They rather assume that you've taken care of your furnace and other infrastructure with the same care, or lack thereof you display with your housekeeping.  If they move ahead with an offer; it is not a premium priced offer.

On the issue of access, buyers simply get fed up and ticked off.  So much so that if your home was the last available home on the planet they would settle for a cave instead.  The message if you never allow access is that you respect only your own time and efforts and the rest of the world simply will have to revolve around you.

Selling your home is a process that requires your robust participation to achieve maximum results.  It means you'll have to be cleaning when you'd rather be playing and making your home available for showing when its "not the best time."

Buyers will happily accommodate sleeping babies and shift workers.  Not so much though that you didn't want your Sunday disturbed.  They have devoted their Sunday to tromping around looking at homes after all!

If you really don't want to participate in prepping for sale then you must price accordingly!  You can't have your cake and eat it too -- play ball or leave money on the table!

Oh....and a final tip.  Scent sells!  Great scents (not overpowering, masking sprays) are very inviting.  Invest in some oil sticks or potpourri!


Unknown said...

Thank you for posting that Beth. It is a truth that must be said.

Poems and stories beth mccarthy marks said...

Thanks, Gordon! I would love to know if in your inspections you find a link between messy homes and poorly maintained infastructure!