Monday, February 10, 2014

Why I love Habitat for Humanity

I've been spending many hours over the last month with a group of friends who call ourselves the "Habitat Champs" planning our latest endeavour!  For a year now we've been meeting regularly and concocting ways to raise money for the purchase of a piece of land in Vernon for the local Habitat for Humanity chapter to build on.  We've developed the most amazing and deeply connected friendship as we've each put shoulder to the wheel; plotted and laughed through many meetings.

Central to this group of 8 professional women is the desire to give "a hand up, not a hand out."  The premise of Habitat for Humanity is that partner families are able to purchase their own home -- a decent, affordable, safe home.  In lieu of a down payment 500 hours of "sweat equity" (the equivalent of about 3 months full time employment) becomes the buy in.  Because the homes are built using a great deal of community volunteer labour (including many previous partner family members) costs are kept down and mortgage payments are based on affordability for the new home owners.  But, the family must pay a mortgage, taxes and all related home ownership costs.  Should their lives change, there is an elegant formula for a buy out based on fair equity and keeping the home in affordable housing stock.

After two Zumbathons (jeeze those Zumba folks are crazy!), partner cook-outs, clothing being auctioned, donations, stories, social media and grant seeking; once we count our monies with funds already raised by the Habitat for Humanity group in Vernon, we're getting close to being able to take this next big step.

And, here's where you come in!  Our latest fund raising event is this Thursday, February 13th, at the Vernon Rec Centre.  We tagged into the Winter Carnival activities and came up with the notion of a block buster movie while eating Italian, sipping organic ale, playing games for outrageous prizes and rooting on our fav superhero in the Avengers playing on a giant blow up screen!  I hope you'll come out.  Charlene Silvester, one of our "Champs" is sponsoring the night so all proceeds can go to our land purchase.

Tickets at the Winter Carnival office or at the door: gives you a glimpse.

For all my international readers, and the many not close by in Canada, I do hope you support Habitat for Humanity in your own communities.  Together we can help deserving people have a stable home for their kids and stable place to grow roots into the community.