Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Smart Sellers Do This!

Psssstttttt.   WOULD YOU RATHER SAVE 1,500 OR MAKE 15,000?

A question for you.  Do you find yourself so busy trying to save money that you forget about making money?  Sounds like a trick question, but its true!  Maybe most especially true in real estate.  Take this scenario and try it on for size.

# 1.  You want to sell your home.  You want to save as much as you can.  You don't want to spend money touching up paint or time weeding the front garden.  You don't believe it matters to really clear and clean.  You hire a low commission cost company to "save."  You spend as little money and effort as you need to in order to save.

# 2.  You want to sell your home.  You realize that what will make you the most money in the end is to invest in your home sale by getting everything spiffy, maybe even staging it and fixing the little faults that catch your eye. You hire a realtor based on their track record and most importantly based on how respected they are in the industry.  Why?  Because you really want and need all the other Realtors in town keen on working with yours!  You spend as much money and effort as needed in order to make the most money possible on your sale.

In scenario #1 you likely read ads that said, "seller saved this much!"  But, of course, what you don't know is how much that seller lost in the end if they didn't have every Realtor in town keen to bring a buyer to their property.  Maybe by "saving 1,500" they actually lost 15,000.  (Many buyers sign contracts these days saying that if the seller doesn't pay their Realtor's anticipated commission the buyer has to -- and the buyer has final say on what homes to see!)  Most buyers cannot see past an unkempt property either!

In scenario #2 you have focused on making money on your home sale.  You've realized that the best possible way for you to reach your desired sale price is to have an attractive commission rate and a home that shows well and shines.  Perhaps you won't "save 1,500" but likely you will have made 15,000 more on your sale!


Its not rocket science.  Would you take your car to sell before having it detailed because you want to "save" money selling it?   Guess what?  The first thing a car dealership does with a used vehicle is clean and polish it!  Why?  Because they make far more money on it in peak condition!  They also know just how to highlight it on the lot to make sure they are making money on any trade in.

And, here's your bonus tip!  Make sure you hire a company more interested in promoting your home than in promoting themselves!