Tuesday, August 27, 2013

You will never "have time."

True confession time.  If you say to me, "I don't have time to exercise" or "I don't have time to give back to the community" or "I don't spend enough time with my family."  What I hear is, "I'm kinda a dumb ass who doesn't make the meaningful parts of my life a priority."

And, newsflash:  you will never "have time" to do all the things you know you should if you are not already making time to do them now.

Seriously, don't we have stories of people we knew who were so busy being busy, so busy making money and then woke up one day to find one or all of the following:

1.  health and strength in shambles
2.  burned out emotionally and mentally
3.  weak or non-existent family and friend network
4.  completely unknown in the wider community

I spoke to a colleague of mine a few years ago (he passed of a heart attack shortly after).  This man was making more money and was busier than ever before.  And, he confessed to me that he hated opening his eyes in the morning to face another day of his self created real estate rat race.

You know when he was the happiest?  When he used to manage a campground with his family and sit around the campfire with visitors playing his guitar and working hard physically.

But, you don't have manage any business or occupation, including real estate, in a way which is punishing to yourself and those around you.  You don't have to ignore your health, family and friends until you "have time."

How many times do you hear of people who were, any day, going to plan a trip to visit their relatives or friends afar.  But, before they acted, their friends passed away.  So instead of being with their dear one for an enriching time, they go to their funeral.

If money is the only measure of wealth then personal poverty is assured.  I believe you can have all the money in the world and a bankrupted soul.  And, that's not a smart way to live.  In my humble opinion.