Friday, July 28, 2017

Stresses of a seller's market!!

In the midst of a seller's market in the Okanagan you need a great and seasoned tour guide. You really do. Traffic is crazy, directions and stress management are critical!

As a seller you should prepare for:

1. fast and furious activity -- due to little available inventory, there is considerable pent up demand.

2.  you still can't ask for pie in the sky pricing (even if the buyer is blind in love with your home, I assure you, the bank lending mortgage funds is not.)

3. multiple offers -- you need professional guidance on choosing timing to review offers, understanding what  a "bully" offer is, reviewing terms.

4. breathing -- there will be tight demands on time lines.

As a buyer you should prepare for:

1. frustration -- you will likely miss out on your first try or two to purchase due to competition, time frames, listings coming on the market with a buyer already in place.

2. listening -- it is easy to get caught up in the frenzy of a competition. Rely on your good Realtor to stay the voice of reason for value and understanding terms and time lines -- especially under pressure.

3. damn hot help -- you need a great realtor that knows how to prepare, present and perfect a competing offer if the property merits going into competition.

4. breathing -- there will be tight demands on time lines.

It is an exciting time to be in the market, but not a gentle time. There are many options available to sellers who don't want to have this kind of stress. The most important element of a sale isn't always price -- your peace of mind and personal life circumstances are worthy of priority. You can email me to consider these at

As a buyer you need to make sure you are working with a realtor that is not only great -- but available. If your realtor is one in a company based on volume sales, be careful that they have enough time to focus with you on finding a good home!

As a buyer, don't fall prey to discouragement. Your home is out there and you just have to keep in the process with your realtor to get it! Often when someone is horribly disappointed at losing out on a competition -- they are soon elated when an even better home comes along.

Stay strong of heart!!