Friday, October 05, 2012

Cooperation is critical to your home sale!

Newsflash:  the swaggering, gun-slinger image of a tough negotiator ripping the other side apart all the while growling fear mongering threats image as a good ally in your real estate sale should send you into the street screaming -- and looking for a better Realtor!  Ditto the zero service model.

Our entire system of organized real estate within "multiple listing service" is based in cooperation.  The adversarial aspect, of course, is still very much in play; but in a deft, intelligent and enticing manner. 

It is my job as a listing Realtor to entice every other Realtor, from every other company in the area to want to bring a buyer to your home!  It is of the utmost importance that over time I have established a reputation as a respected, fair and smart competitor and colleague.  We all know that people avoid dolts and self-serving wind bags.  We all know that people dislike cheapskates too.

It is my job as a listing Realtor to encourage you to offer as generous a commission as possible to the cooperating Realtors in our area.  Does this mean I'm more expensive?  Not in the long run.  It means your property is positioned in the best possible way to attract as many cooperating Realtors as possible and reward them and thank them for bringing the buyer.  You don't pay a cent until an acceptable offer comes in and the more interest generated in your property results in the highest price -- in my experience more than covering your commission costs and then some!

It's simple math.  Are you better off with just me trying to find your buyer or 300 local Realtors trying to find your buyer? 

To excel and stay educated and equipped with leading edge technology in our profession and have it as a chosen, full time career, is very expensive.  The last thing anyone wants is to lose the expertise of the most experienced and ethical Realtors.  Your best interests are served by honouring the best professionals in the business.

When considering who to hire to sell your home ask yourself this.  Who will position my home to most attract not just the Realtors from her or his office but ALL the Realtors?

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