Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Herding Cats!

Occasionally efforts in the real estate world can best be compared to herding cats!  Just when you think you're moving forward a quick change in direction occurs; or the buyer just stops looking for a spell.  Rather like when a cat is bored with the chase and chooses to nap and groom instead.  Decisions are put off, second guessed and change.  While it makes answering the phone exciting, it doesn't best serve the long term strategies of some buyers.

Over time, a good Realtor becomes more adept in not pushing the river.  Given good communication and follow though, you simply trust that when its time to resume you'll hear back.  There is always a fine line between being proactive in communication and stalking!  And, it is so true, switching animal examples:  you can lead a horse to the most amazing pool of crystal clear, cool, luscious water...but you can't make him drink! 

This autumn for some reason; the phase of the moon, the beauty of the weather, the constant uncertainty the news thrives on creating, many of my colleagues and I are wondering when the fall market will kick into gear!  We're all dressed up ready to go!

In the North Okanagan it is a great time to buy real estate!  And a fair time to sell as well.  Where's the action?

Generally people shift into gear when they see others doing so.  People buy when the prices are rising instead of times like right now where we've seen the bottom and prices and volume of sales are just starting to tick up.

I've quoted Warren Buffet before, but for those that missed it, heed this fine advice:  When people are crying you should be buying; when people are yelling you should be selling.  In other words, act when conditions are right instead of when everyone else is doing it!

Don't for a moment think anyone outgrows peer pressure.  We are all more comfortable sharing the same decisions as someone else.  But doing what everyone else does or suggests is not a formula for optimizing opportunities!  The best rewards in life are often gained when acting contrary to the masses!  Listen to that niggling voice encouraging you to move forward with your dreams and goals.

So, dear readers, in our neck of the woods, time to get off the couch and on the hunt!  Lead, don't follow!  The dozing time has passed and its time to shake a leg. 

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