Monday, September 24, 2012

Does having the biggest mouth make you the best player?

Some of the best Realtors in the business that I know are not spending a fortune on print advertising.  The why is simply because it doesn't work -- all the substantial action is now happening in the paperless on-line world.

There are some Realtors who make a great splash in the print world and as a result the perception can be that they are the best.  I guess that is rather like assuming that because McDonald's advertises the most their meals and service are better than at your preferred steak house.

In the real estate profession there are many claims made such as "Best in Production in 2012!"  These claims have to be qualified so sometime in teensy weensy print you see:  *based on real estate teams with one South African member.  Of course I'm exaggerating.  Or am I?

There is a distinction between what is marketing advertising for the purpose of selling YOUR home and what is image advertising for the purpose of the Realtor or team garnering more business for themselves so that working on a volume based model they can stay afloat.

Ask around for a great Realtor.  If you don't know anyone in an area but have a trusted connection with a Realtor anywhere in Canada ask them to refer you to a true blue, working for you kinda person!

Just because someone shouts the loudest it does not follow that they are the most gifted player in the field.  Chances are you should be looking to do business with the Realtor who spends less time showcasing themselves and more time showcasing YOUR property!

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