Friday, November 23, 2012

There is no D.I.N.K. in sales!

Well, let's revisit one of my best bugaboo topics!  I don't know who said it (enlighten me if you do) but I love this line:  "the person who is nice to you but not nice to the waiter is NOT a nice person!"

Translated is that if a Realtor is nice to their clients but a dink with other Realtors, they are not only not a nice person -- they are entirely ineffective in serving your needs.  In our multiple listing service in British Columbia the whole idea is that not only do you want me or my office mates selling your home, you want every Realtor in the North Okanagan excited about bringing buyers to your property!

So, imagine, if you've chosen the Realtor that is sarcastic, a bully, condescending toward new Realtors, a know-it-all, or just plain rude to other local Realtors.  How do you think that's going to roll out for enticing cooperation and excitement in helping to sell your home?  How do you think that will translate when they negotiate on your behalf with a fellow professional they've been a dink with?

I could add to this list, imagine if your Realtor takes attractive commission rates from other Realtors but offers the lowest possible amount to the competition.  Again, do you think this serves you in attracting the most buyers and good will to your property?  Or, do you think this serves you as a buyer working toward the most reasonable price and terms on your purchase?  Give it some serious thought.

Think on the big scale when choosing your Realtor.  Good grief, don't go with them because you're scared not to!!  If they intimidate you imagine how well respected they are in the industry!

Pick a Realtor known for their skills, courtesy in communication, diplomacy in their aggressive negotiations and thankful to their cooperating colleagues.

Thankful means delivering the keys, writing a note, perhaps a small gift...ways that leave a great sense of the transaction and the desire to deal again with such a fine professional.  AND, someone who recognizes that great colleagues are worth every cent they make!

Go for the win/win!  Not only will you have a more profitable and enjoyable experience you will be supporting the notion that selling Real Estate is a service industry.  Real Estate is a service industry that deals with the most important sale you are a part of.  You deserve nothing but the finest.

Remember....there is no "DINK" in sales!

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