Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Exercise, musing, relaxing vital to success!

Someone reading this post will remember which inventor spent an hour every day on the shore line of the beach doodling -- for all watching apparently doing nothing but drawing and making channels with a stick in the sand.  What he was doing, of course, was taking time to let his mind wander where it wanted to go.  (Whoever knows shout out!)

It is my experience and hypothesis that without enough time to let the mind relax and wander it is impossible to come up with authentic and strategic ideas.  Great ideas for marketing to socializing to who to reconnect with come unbidden during long, silent walks; time spent simply sitting and watching nature; stretching out on a hammock looking up through the trees....

So often people get caught in a near frantic cycle of "trying" to produce original, creative work.  Its easy to get so busy you are only reacting and not actually thinking!

If you don't already, take my theory for a test run!  Take time every day to simply have no agenda other than to muse and see what grand new ideas for life and work appear when you least expect them!

And, what a great way to explain an afternoon's hammock session:  "I was busy in a "creative marketing" session!

Treat the luxury of unscheduled time and space with the fine respect it so deserves and enjoy the rich benefits!

1 comment:

Poems and stories beth mccarthy marks said...

I did find this...but not the bit I was looking for about doodling: Before Edison hired a research assistant, he would invite the candidate over for a bowl of soup. If the person seasoned the soup before tasting it, Edison would not hire the candidate. He did not want people who had so many built-in assumptions into their everyday life, that they would even assume the soup is not properly seasoned. He wanted people who consistently challenged assumptions and tried different things.