Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Mind your own p's & q's!

The great expression, mind your own p's & q's I'm told comes from the bars in the U.K.  When something was happening at the other end of the bar that another patron was tempted to get involved with, say an argument or fight, the bar keep would instruct them to mind their own p's & q's (meaning pints and quarts of beer).  In other words, stay out of it and mind your own business.

During our Realtors' office tour of new listings, some of us travelling together started chuntering about the low level of service offered by some in our profession and other annoying work models that reflect poorly on service oriented Realtors.  At one point one of our colleagues said these simple words.  "You know, I just work.  I do my thing and don't trouble myself with all the junk out there."

It is true that it can be so distracting tilting at the windmills of injustice in any work place that you stop giving enough thought to your own business! 

Never mind what anyone else is doing.  What am I doing?  What model of service do I personify?  That, at the end of the day -- and the beginning of the day for that matter -- is all that I can change.  By exemplifying top service I do hope to be a good influence.

This kind of influence is proactive rather than reactive.  And, far more satisfying.

Whatever it is in human nature that chooses to focus on the 5% that's wrong in any situation instead of the 95% that's right is pretty darn stupid.

To work on changing this habit, whenever I am tempted to comment on some dud failing to provide service in the Real Estate industry I challenge myself instead to come up with a unique and creative idea to enhance my business.

Minding my own business, really, really well is a full time job!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! True and Appreciated! as always Beth. Thanks