"I would not sell to that idiot if they were the last person on earth!"
"That Realtor is never allowed on my property again."
"The price just went up."
"They can't have the appliances now."
"I'll just sell everything I was going to leave for them."
These are statements Realtors have heard! And, do you think it takes a big insult to produce such rancor?
Be very, very, very careful about nitpicking, criticizing and getting petty about inclusions....the cost could be extraordinary!
I was speaking with a very seasoned real estate professional who was representing the sale of a family vacation spot. Even though the offer was ok price wise, the tone and ridiculous notations included in the contract got her ticked off. She said that even as a pro there was no way she wanted to deal with these pushy, obnoxious buyers!
I've seen generous sellers who would have bent over backwards for the new owners lose heart over wording to do with the home being left clean.
Keep these two words in mind when entering into negotiations: deal earnestly and deal in good faith (i.e. you proceed as if the seller was a fine and honest home owner.) If you introduce words and clauses indicating mistrust (and I don't mean obvious due diligence) you start to insult them. A price that is too low will insult a seller; and so will little greedy asks or fearful questioning of someone's integrity.
Contracts are developed and designed to keep a buyer safe and are full of great due diligence options. When snags are encountered, if there is good rapport and faith between parties, an elegant solution can always be reached.
If parties have their backs up, the smallest variant can derail an otherwise fine transaction.
Whenever possible, keep it simple, keep it sweet and use a smart negotiator -- not a bombastic dipstick! Remember that two things kill a great real estate transaction; greed and fear.
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