No, not that B.S.! "Bigger = Sweeter" swallowed whole....what were you thinking?
OK, here's what I mean: only in Real Estate would consumers think its great to put their most valuable possession in the care of the person shouting that they are the biggest, fastest, busiest, cheapest way to go. Lets look at other services and you'll see what I mean.

1. When choosing a lawyer, do you want to go with the cheapest firm that spins the most cases through?
2. When choosing a dentist, do you want the fastest doc racing from patient to patient?
3. When you want your family jewelry reworked into a timeless piece, do you go to Wal-Mart?
4. When you choose a builder do you really want to use the crazy-busiest building outfit in the valley?
5. When you buy a wedding dress do you go to the discount outlet store?
6. When you are having a baby do you want to go to the office where you never really see YOUR doctor but all the staff instead?
7. When choosing a hair dresser, do you want the same person who knows you and your hair or just "somebody" who works on the hair team?
8. When you go to see a play do you want to see the star or any stand in that is available that night because the team star is busy booking other shows?
You catch my drift. But how easily in sales people can think going to the biggest, fastest & cheapest option is a good idea when selling THEIR MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION. Do you see what I mean?
Here's what I would tell you if you were my favourite aunt living in another town (hence unable to hire me!):
Dear Auntie,
By all means research and ask around for a Realtor that you can fully trust; use one that has a lot of repeat and referral business; use one that is not running around like a chicken with its head cut off, if they're too busy they won't focus on you; use one that use one that has TIME to be with you and concentrate on YOU. Use a Realtor that you will see each time, rather than a one hit wonder who will pass you off to someone else in their office. Use a Realtor that would never put their pay before your best interest. Use a Realtor WELL RESPECTED BY THEIR PEERS. Use a Realtor who understands that great negotiation skills require constant learning and not old school bully tactics. Use a Realtor that wants to sell your home for the best price NOT just sell it to keep up their stats as the #1 producer. Use a Realtor that takes only the amount of listings they can really wonderfully manage. Use a Realtor that will help you find the best home and is keeping watch for you.
In short, Auntie, look for a Realtor focused on serving you and not focused on racking up their stats. They are out there....just don't be bamboozled by the notion that "Bigger, Faster, Cheaper" is going to mean care and optimum value.
OK, here's what I mean: only in Real Estate would consumers think its great to put their most valuable possession in the care of the person shouting that they are the biggest, fastest, busiest, cheapest way to go. Lets look at other services and you'll see what I mean.

1. When choosing a lawyer, do you want to go with the cheapest firm that spins the most cases through?
2. When choosing a dentist, do you want the fastest doc racing from patient to patient?
3. When you want your family jewelry reworked into a timeless piece, do you go to Wal-Mart?
4. When you choose a builder do you really want to use the crazy-busiest building outfit in the valley?
5. When you buy a wedding dress do you go to the discount outlet store?
6. When you are having a baby do you want to go to the office where you never really see YOUR doctor but all the staff instead?
7. When choosing a hair dresser, do you want the same person who knows you and your hair or just "somebody" who works on the hair team?
8. When you go to see a play do you want to see the star or any stand in that is available that night because the team star is busy booking other shows?
You catch my drift. But how easily in sales people can think going to the biggest, fastest & cheapest option is a good idea when selling THEIR MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION. Do you see what I mean?
Here's what I would tell you if you were my favourite aunt living in another town (hence unable to hire me!):
Dear Auntie,
By all means research and ask around for a Realtor that you can fully trust; use one that has a lot of repeat and referral business; use one that is not running around like a chicken with its head cut off, if they're too busy they won't focus on you; use one that use one that has TIME to be with you and concentrate on YOU. Use a Realtor that you will see each time, rather than a one hit wonder who will pass you off to someone else in their office. Use a Realtor that would never put their pay before your best interest. Use a Realtor WELL RESPECTED BY THEIR PEERS. Use a Realtor who understands that great negotiation skills require constant learning and not old school bully tactics. Use a Realtor that wants to sell your home for the best price NOT just sell it to keep up their stats as the #1 producer. Use a Realtor that takes only the amount of listings they can really wonderfully manage. Use a Realtor that will help you find the best home and is keeping watch for you.
In short, Auntie, look for a Realtor focused on serving you and not focused on racking up their stats. They are out there....just don't be bamboozled by the notion that "Bigger, Faster, Cheaper" is going to mean care and optimum value.
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