Monday, December 17, 2012

Maybe ignorance IS bliss!

I was sharing stories a few days ago with a colleague who has been a Realtor just a smidge longer than I have.  We were swapping funny tales about different things we did when we were brand new Realtors -- because we didn't know any better.  And, you know what?

Many of those "ignorant things" produced results!

When you're first in the business and new to town, cold calling is a breeze.  You are fearless about getting someone you know on the other end of the line!  You chuckle when you get the mother of another Realtor or a well known businessman who has a nephew in the business.

You can do no wrong; because you don't know better.

The first "expired" listing I called netted me an appointment and I ended up selling the folks an investment property.  Thankfully I was ignorant of the fact when I made the call that based on their mls number they had expired years before I contacted them!

What would you do to generate business if you didn't know better?  Likely quite a lot!  So, my holiday advice....ponder your business with fresh eyes.  Innocent eyes.  Eyes not conditioned by the kind of knowledge that blocks creativity.

Adventure and try out those wild ideas you've had!  Don't you love it when a really outrageous commercial on t.v. catches you laughing (such as the recent Canadian Club one running)?!

In any organized endeavor we have to resist the urge to homogenize our approach.  We have to stay flexible and nimble rather than burdened by procedure and protocol.  No wonder people become bored and bitter....they stop creating!

Hats off to all you adventurers!  Go forth with glee and prosper!

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