Monday, April 23, 2012

Living on purpose!

Spencer West and Beth Marks, Kalamalka Rotary 4/23/12

Spencer West of "Me to We" fame took time after speaking to a capacity crowd of 9th grade students at our Performing Arts Centre to speak at our Kalamalka Rotary lunch meeting today.  If you've never heard of Spencer, you might wish to view this video clip of him:

Believe it or not, Spencer is climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in 49 days as a fundraiser for drought stricken eastern Africa.  Some of the climb he'll use his chair for, some he'll walk (he walks on his hands) and some his two best friends will carry home over.  (He joked that he might have to carry them over portions!)

His parents are his heros -- they raised him as a "normal" child and he simply developed self-sufficiency.  He now drives, walks and is remarkably agile and lives in Toronto when he's not travelling all over the world delivering delightful, funny and heart-rich motivational talks.

What can you say about a man like this who spends his life in service to others?  He has no complaints, does not whine about "challenges" or shy from direct conversations about his leg-less condition.  (Although he is sorry for scaring some kids in his native Wyoming when he told them he lost his legs camping!)

Hats off to this world leader!  And, thanks to Cheryl Schmidt and company at KPMG for hosting Spencer's visit to the beautiful Okanagan.  As I write he's in the air flying to his next speaking gig in San Francisco.

Monday, April 16, 2012

At the end of the day, GTFM!

I have the great pleasure of having Frank Reale for a friend.  Frank, or "Big Frank" as he's been called, used to frequent the horse racing tracks in Colorado.  He notice a liniment which worked wonders on the horses and hired a chemist to formulate it for human use.  On short notice at the patent office he had to come up with a name and ended up calling it Rub A535!  Needless to say this was a great commercial success and he eventually sold the product rights to a large company.

If you could hear Frank's voice in your head, as I can, the story would be even richer for you.  He's been likened to the Godfather; a big, Italian, soft spoken man with an intimidating height and breadth!  As you have guessed he is a wonderful man with a soft heart.  He was and is, however, a no nonsense businessman who expects results and performance.  One of the best things he shared with me about his business endeavours was that he signed off his letters to his lawyers this way.  GTFM, Frank

"What?  What does that mean, Frank?"

Pardon his "French" but GTFM means "Get the f**king money!"

At the end of the chase in real estate that's what you want your Realtor to handle for you!  The best negotiators are charming negotiators!  That I happen to be fun to work with is simply a bonus to you.  As a buyer or seller I understand that it doesn't matter to you so much what I charge, how experienced or knowledgeable I am as long as the value I provide is worth it and that the net result to you exceeds what you'd otherwise realize working with a budget model!

Realtors are not created equal!  You need one that excels and is known to be a top rate, top service, top negotiating sort of a gal!  I understand your interest....GTFM!  10-4!

And, thank you, Frank!  Your story always makes me smile!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

shoulda, coulda, woulda, DIDN'T!

There are many tales to tell in the circle of Realtors about offers that were rejected!  In hindsight many of those offers were the best to come along and the property ended up selling for significantly less.  So why the rejection?  Maybe it was the first offer (often the best) which got the seller to thinking that maybe they should ask more money.  Maybe the seller was emotionally involved still with the property and not ready to let go.  Maybe the seller didn't like the buyer.  Maybe the buyer watched the news and got scared silly that the sky was falling.

Over and over and over again there is one cliche in the business that proves itself about the two things that kill successful real estate transactions:  Fear and Greed.

When you are dealing with a professional Realtor, a great Realtor, they are going to advise you to act in your best interest.  At the end of the day, we have to follow all of your "lawful instructions" however you do pay us for professional advice!

While great Realtors are empathetic, they should not be riding your emotional roller coaster.  They should be the voice of reason.  You might not always like what we have to say -- but you've employed us for that very give you the best possible guidance through and often complicated process.

Of course all bets are off if any careless Realtor is only after making a deal.  Those are not the ones I'm talking about.  (And, if you suspect the one your dealing with does not have your long range best interest at heart, I encourage you to look to find a truly fine Realtor.)  You want a Realtor who will collaborate with you from a strong and honest place.

When I advise people I often lead with this statement:  "When you see me in the grocery store in 2 years I don't want to have to duck the oranges you're tempted to throw!  I want you to be happy to seem me and happy with your choices."

On the ground this means I've pointed out the drawbacks as well as the great points of your choices.  I've counseled you on re-sale options, perception of neighbourhoods, possible area impacts and any other factor which might have long term consequence.  On the ground this means that when you have a good offer on your home but start getting cold feet I will do everything in my powers of persuasion to keep you moving in the direction that will best serve you.

I don't want any of my clients to be the ones regretting missed opportunities for happiness and wealth.  So, when the time comes to talk about real estate transactions -- do speak with a trusted professional!  A living, breathing, accessible professional!

To once again steal a phrase from the movie, Jerry Maguire, "help me help you!"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Coldstream's Mayor Jim Garlick's passion for Coldstream

Mayor Jim Garlick was kind enough to take the time to speak to me for a "Sutton Scoop" -- here is the link:

As you will hear, Jim is a third generation Coldstream resident so his roots run deep and clearly he stepped into politics as a service not a career move!  He happened to be my son's favourite high school teacher (no small feat for those who know my son!).  Mayor Garlick is a very well respected teacher and continues with his work while attending to his duties as mayor.  If the piles on his desk are any indication of the ongoing workload I don't envy his evenings!

As with our mayor in Vernon I'm very aware of the fact that in Coldstream the Mayor Garlick is also there not because he's a career politician, but because he was compelled to give back to the community.

I am filled with confidence about neighbourly relations between Vernon and Coldstream and wisdom in the management of our shared resources.

You really must come and see for yourself why Coldstream is one of the most beautiful places on earth to call home!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Best economy fix? Quit hearing "the news"

It should come as no surprise that I've come to the conclusion that the best thing for our economy and real estate transactions would be if all news stations went silent for a month or so!  Good grief, its a wonder people get out of bed in the morning with all the fear mongering that goes on.  And, what of proportion?  If one real estate transaction goes awry it will make the local and national news -- with no mention of the 75,000 that went swimmingly!

Last night Global's lead story was of the impending bubble burst in real estate due to the extreme sellers market in Canada!  Only once they weighed into their "slow news night" broadcast did they say Toronto is in a sellers market.  Apparently Toronto is now all of Canada and we're about to have a burst bubble.  Ridiculous and stupid reporting.

If there is any good news to report it is then blanketed with caution, fear and doomsayers forecasting darker times ahead.  "Employment rates are up!  BUT for how long?"  After all there was a trend reversal back in 1948!

Interest rates are low...BUT remember in the 80's when they topped 20%!?  Really?  That's where you want to take it?

Who doesn't remember the news shadowing and foretelling of frightening days to come?  Its really gotten quite disgusting and will continue along the lines its going until we all tune out.

Real Estate has always proven to be a wonderful way to build wealth.  Oh, I know what you're thinking...."what about the travesty in the U.S.!?"  Right?  I know, you watch the U.S. news too because Canadian news isn't depressing enough!  We are not in the U.S.!  Canadian banks were noted to be number 1 in the world for lending practices on mortgages.  Shout that out!

Lets step out of "this tangle of fear thinking" as Rumi would say.

Do you want to sell your home?  Do you need a new home?  Guess what?  Its a great time to do that!  Simple, right?

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!  This is true personally and it is especially true of the property you'd like to sell!  People don't want to stare at another person for too long; but they'll sure stare at a property.

We all get used to our "stuff" around our homes.  But, just as an experiment, pretend you've never been to your home before and note the following.

When you pull up, is the yard in good shape?  Is there peeling paint or junk piled anywhere?  When you approach the door, is the screen in good shape?  Are there cobwebs in the carport corners?  Is the door clean?  Is the outdoor light free of bugs and goo?  Is there a great deal of visual clutter masquerading as art?

When you walk in, does it smell fresh?  Does it look clean?  Are there ten million knick knacks that could only appeal to the mother of the artist?  Are the bedspreads and linens clean?  Are the kitchen and bathrooms shiny and bright?  Are the dog toys put away?  Are the dogs put away?  Is the cat litter out of sight and fresh?  Does your bird swear?  (You think I jest...but that's another story!)  Can anyone smell cigarette smoke or curry and other cooking odors that cling?  Do you have several heads of dead creatures staring at the prospective buyer?  Do you have nude posters in the teen's room?  Do you have nude, pregnant photos all over the master bedroom?

Do you have anyone sleeping on the couch?  Is the lump on the bed a teen under cover?  Do you have the t.v. blasting out Stomping Tom music?  Can you see through your windows?  Are the blinds or curtains all in one piece and operational?  Are there flags hanging in any windows?  

How about the back yard and deck?  Are there dog deposits handy?  How about piles of recyclables and empty beer bottles?  Do you have a "garden" of wine corks?  Is the playhouse a safety nightmare?  Is the fence standing in the same direction all around? 

I could go on; but you catch my drift.  Go on a tour.  Be brutal with your self critique! 

Believe me when I tell you this could add thousands of dollars to yours sale price and you haven't even had to buy one can of paint!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Realtors and Farmers have a lot in common

For Realtors and Farmers, not every year yields a bumper crop.  And, even though you work hard, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll be paid well!  Some years the conditions for growth are harsh, some years the sun shines warm and the rain falls softly.

Through it all, you just keep planting, tending and learning.

Some farmers do everything on an industrial scale with mass production methods.  Some Realtors do that too.  Some farmers prefer a smaller operation that lets them be hands on.  Some Realtors also prefer working one on one with their clients.

Some farmers cover everything with bulls**t to make it grow faster.  Some Realtors spread it on pretty thick too!  Some farmers refuse to learn new techniques to maintain their crops.  Some Realtors resist technology or social media too.

At the end of the day, the best farmers are not in it for the money; they're in it because it is fulfilling and meaningful work watching things grow.  At the end of the day, the best Realtors aren't in it for the money; they're in it because it is fulfilling and meaningful work helping people with their homes.

The best farmers are adaptable and always learning.  Ditto the best Realtors!  The best farmers continue to forge ahead regardless of the weather -- the best Realtors continue to forge ahead in bear or bull markets.

The best farmers are deeply grateful for the bountiful years and don't whine in the lean ones.  The best Realtors likewise are deeply grateful for the bountiful years and don't whine in the lean ones.

The best farmers help their neighbours and share ideas of what has worked for them.  The best Realtors also collaborate and enhance their colleagues.

When you buy your next assortment of vegetables, think about all the work that's gone into the harvest and who tended the soil.  When you buy your next home, think about the care taken by the Realtors involved to bring you the most savoury outcome.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Appreciating Vernon's Mayor, Rob Sawatzky

I just had the chance to interview Vernon's Mayor Rob Sawatzky.  He's an upbeat, thoughtful man and it was kind of him to take the time to be part of our "Sutton Scoop" video blog series.  As you'll see from watching the video, he is a great person to be at the helm of our fair city. 

Following 21 years as a physician in a family practice Dr. Sawatzky was looking for a significant way to contribute back to his community; from a place of gratitude he's chosen this way to serve -- we just have to figure out how to properly address him.  Dr.-Mayor-Most Honorable....thankfully he supplies the answer that "Rob" is just fine.

What is especially endearing about our Mayor is that he is funny, approachable and certainly doesn't seem interested in this role for the power or prestige.  You come away with the distinct impression of an intelligent, hard working man with nothing to prove; delightfully unpolitical!

What each of us can do to help with the smart growth of our communities is to get involved.  Speak up, initiate improvements and be part of the solution.

Vernon is an amazing city poised to continue to shine as we address together all of the challenges that come with the need for diversification, affordability and growth.  I'm so happy to sense the emerging cooperation between all of the communities in the North Okanagan and look forward to being part of the vibrancy of this gorgeous area we call home.